Monday, April 30, 2007

Hey Batter Batter....

Every once in awhile I have to do a personal blog because I just can't stop myself. And grandparents never get to see pics unless I post some so here goes!!

Okay. Let me just start by saying that we have never played softball and tonight was our first game ever. I say we although "we" are not playing. Our children are playing and we are on the sidelines enjoying every minute. I had to go through a few of the shots and this is what I came up with so's only our first game you know!

I'm sure I may get a few of the kiddoes names wrong...hopefully not. And if you don't see your child, it doesn't mean that I didn't get them...I have not gone through them yet and there are WAY too many to post. So here goes....

This is Jackson. He has a twin sister (Hallie Grace...I have an Alli Grace). Needless to say, I didn't get Hallie's pic up tonight...anyhoo, Jackson was very happy to see someone who had come to see him play! It did not bother him that the game stopped to wait on him while he greeted his guest!
Here we come from the outfield! These guys did such a good job.

I loved this sweet shot of Bailey. She was full of team spirit tonight. She even sported a tattoo on her face with the team colors!

In the dug out!Every once in while...okay most of the time...when I am doing something, I tend to get side-tracked. So I took my mind and my camera off of the game and got this shot of Phillip with his snow cone. Can you believe that this cutie is only two!! He sure made that snow cone look good!

Here is my Alli Grace. Chewing on those finger nails as always! We were so proud of her because she is our "shy" one and we didn't think she would last past the first practice. She did a great job and had a blast!
This is Nicklaus! Okay he is our MVP and one of Alli Grace's best buds. We were so excited when we found out she was on the same team with Nicklaus and John Michael. Nicklaus has a lot of experience under his belt and is very competitive...we didn't realize how competitive Alli Grace was until she and Nick fought over the ball...she refused to give it up...the runner got to first but, hey, the girl made her statement...too bad I didn't get a shot of that. I think I was laughing too hard.
Yeah team!!!!
The best part of the game! We are done and now we get SNOW CONES!!! I loved how the coaches are teaching good sportsmanship! Maybe the kiddoes will remember these feelings as they get older!!
Like I said. This was sooo much fun. We have some GREAT coaches that make this so much fun for the kiddoes and adults as well. Thanks guys!!!

Well, like I said...these guys were too cute. I wish I could have posted them all but I am getting tired and my oldest, Morgan, also had a game tonight so I will have to post some from her game first thing tomorrow. Hope you guys enjoyed the I ripped my favorite pair of shorts to get!

Night all....


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Fun Fun!

Christy and I had a blast yesterday shooting Sarah and Justin's engagement pics. They were so sweet together and we all shared a lot of laughs! Being that it was a warm and muggy afternoon, they found a really cool way to beat the heat...with some prodding of course!! Here are a few pics from the day!

Can't wait to shoot Sarah's bridals next month. Don't worry mom, we'll try to keep the dress dry!!!
Have a great day!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Kenneth Sr. 2007

Here is a peek at one of the seniors I recently photographed. He was so much fun! Like most of the guys I shoot, he was a little hesitant at first and not very excited about getting his picture made in front of all the students walking by....this was made worse when I pulled out the handy dandy reflector. However, he warmed up and we had a lot of fun and got some great stuff. Here you go Mr. GQ...........

Have a great day!!


Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I had so much fun with this location and with the kiddoes the other day. What a great day! Just enough cloud cover to make for some beautiful colors!! This is Chloe and her mom and dad. I can honestly say that I feel like part of the family. I'll have to say that I love all of my kiddoes sooo much but this one has a special place in my heart. For all of you who know know why! I started taking her picture when she was a wee little newborn...what a big girl she is now. Makes me want to cry that we are already doing her 2 year pics!! I thought I would post a few of my favs and tease mom and dad just a little...just to see if they are paying attention....

For those of you who are paying attention and anxiously awaiting a sneak peek...I promise I am hurrying!

Have a great day!


Friday, April 13, 2007

Daddy's girls!

Okay...maybe I should say Mommy's girls as she is the one who got to chase them...or actually just one of them...during the entire session. This was one of those sessions where Mom's okay if we didn't get anything. Needless to say we had a very busy two year old and a very patient older sis. But they did so good!! Anyone who has a two year old knows that every day is a whole new day and when you throw pictures into the mix...who knows!! Here are a few of my favorites although we ended up with several to choose from.

Does she look mischievous or what?

Sweet sweet girls...they made it a magical afternoon! Thanks guys... it was a lot of fun. Hope you enjoy the pictures!


Some Bunny Luvs U!!

Okay. How cute is this?? I think most of you who know me know that I don't like to do props including live ones; however, I'm thinking I'll have to change my philosophy because this was just precious!!! Mom had asked me if she could bring bunnies for some of these shots and I said I was game. Elise LOVED the bunnies and the bunnies were so good and tolerant. We had a blast and even had Dad chasing the bunnies before it was all over with. ( Dad didn't much care for the bunnies...anything for his little girl!)

Hope you guys enjoy!


Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I'm usually one of those instant gratification-type people. Got to have it right now right needless to say, I was so excited when I got to pull these up and look at them for the first time...almost two weeks after we took them. This is Miss Riley. It has been an honor to photograph her since she was 3 months old and now she is almost 2...I'm thinking she might already be as I'm writing this. Anyway she is so precious. Her smiles use to come so easy and now she is busy checking out how the world works! I love all of her different expressions and wish I could post them all!!! Anyway, here are a few of my favorites.

I get to meet new baby brother tomorrow when mom and dad come to view Riley's proofs. Can't wait to see if he takes after his big sis! Got to run so I can get those proofs finished by the way. Enjoy!!


Monday, April 9, 2007


I have been waiting to get to these pictures as we had an absolutely beautiful day and location and two beautiful little girls. We had so much fun and they made my job so easy!!! Hope you enjoy these.

Hopefully more to come later!

Night all!


Friday, April 6, 2007

Anxiously awaiting....

Just wanted to get a picture up of Tiffany and Brian before the new little one arrives. I don't think there is anything sweeter than a couple about to open their hearts to a tiny little person that will change their lives forever....

Babies are truly one of God's greatest miracles. It's amazing how one little bundle can produce so much joy, gratitude, overwhelming love, humility, hopes, dreams and, yes, worries in abundance. The miracle of life...remind me how sweet this is when my first one turns 16!!

Good luck guys. I know the due date is April 15th so maybe she won't be my taxes! :(

Thanks Tiffany for letting me post these. You are a georgous Mommy to be!

Okay. I'm really behind as usual. I will try to get a lot more posted soon. Christy and I are off to LR for a wedding tomorrow so hopefully we will have some sneak peeks up soon.

Night all and have a Blessed Easter!


Thursday, April 5, 2007

No words....

Okay...I couldn't resist this one. I think I need to hold a contest so we can come up with a caption for this one. This is Reed. I have already posted one from his session a few days ago but, as I was going through all of his pics, I came across this one. This is definitely the pic of the week!!! I'll let it speak for itself!

Night all!


Big Blue Eyes!!

Hey Guys...I've been waiting to blog until I get caught up...well, that is not going to happen and that is okay. I'll try to post as I go along. I've been dying to get to these little guys. This is Noah and his little brother Caleb. When I met them on location, their mom told me I would recognize them by their red hair and blue eyes!! Boy did I! These boys are SOOO handsome and you have to love that red hair!! We had a beautiful spring day and the guys were in good moods. A special shout out to Martha, the babysitter, for lending us a hand!
Hope you guys enjoy the pictures and hopefully there will be more to come very soon. I have had some really fun sessions lately so I'll try to keep you posted.
Take care