Monday, September 29, 2008

Here we go again.

Well, we have another addition to our crazy household. This one comes with a promise from three people in my family. Daddy really wanted Morgan to take martial arts with Alli and me and she didn't want to. So....he said "what do I have to do to get you to go" and there we go. Promise #1. Morgan has to go to martial arts. Promise #2 Alli has to keep her room clean. Promise #3 Dad can't gripe, complain, basically say anything negative about the there.
What you may ask do I get out of the deal...hmm...a cute little dog that doesn't want me to put her down all day, lots of messes to clean up after and a little more stress. With that being said, it has been worth it to hear the girls giggle with their new pet. So without further adieu, here is Piper.
She is suppose to be 1/2 shih tzu and 1/2 yorkie...she may just be an expensive little mutt. Either way, we love her!
Hope you guys enjoyed the peek and hopefully we will get her housetrained very soon, and Alli will keep her room clean, and Morgan will become a black belt and our house will be in perfect harmony! :) Nice thought and I will keep you posted.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Family fun

I had so much fun with this family. We had a lot of laughs and they were naturals in front of the camera and as assistants with the reflector! Anyway, I wanted to share a few as we had a great session.
Thanks so much for sharing your morning with me! Hope you like the pics!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Sweet Baby Andie

How precious is this baby girl?
I wanted to share a few pictures from this session as I know that mom and dad are anxious to see a few and who could blame them?
Andie was so alert and so calm throughout our entire session. I just hate it that her daddy was sick and not able to come along. Anyway, here they are...
Hope you guys enjoy the peek and I will see you soon. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Oh Happy Day!

As usual, I am behind on my blogging. And, as usual, you guys are so patient. Thank you!! WIthout further delay, here are a few from Mike and Jessica's wedding last month. If any of you follow the blog, then you have seen their engagement and Jessica's bridals before these.
I loved this first picture as Dad is helping with the dress and Mom is in the background watching.
A few little details of the day. This is a picture of the necklace that Jessica gave to her mom.
And...Jessica holding on to Mike's ring
Jessica and the flower girl...she was too cute.
The little guys about to take the walk!
A moment at the altar.
The exchanging of vows. Jessica and Mike wrote letters to each other that Father Charlie read to everyone. It was sooo sweet!
The kiss!
The first dance!
Daddy's little girl!
The last shot of the day. I loved it. I think this totally sums it up for parents. Happy that it is over and everything went smoothly...but dog tired and going home without their baby.
Anyway, guys thanks so much for letting me and Mike come and share your day. You guys were so much fun as always! I wish you happy happy joy joy in your new life together!!!
More blogs to come!
Lisa :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Say a Prayer

I don't know about the rest of you guys this morning but as I have gone through my daily routine of getting ready, getting my girls ready and out the door etc, my heart has been heavy as I think about the thousands of families and friends who will wake up and relive every moment of their lives seven years ago today.
I don't know anyone, who was old enough to know what was going on, who doesn't remember exactly what they were doing on September 11th, 2001 when the lives of so many and the life of our nation changed forever. Although we couldn't imagine on that day or the days and weeks after the attack that we would eventually slip back into a normal life, most of us have. It is so easy for us to take for granted all of the freedoms and luxuries that we are so use to. Maybe that is a good thing to show that we will always have the America that so many died for.
So for today, lets turn our ears away from the election, not honk at the crazy driver in front of us and maybe just go out of our way a little bit to do a good deed for a stranger. Even if just for today, let us remember that we are one people, we are strong. Let us remember our troops all over the world who risk their lives and those who have given their lives so that we can live as we do.
And, most of all, let us remember all of those heroes who lost their lives on September 11th, 2001 because they lived in a land of freedom.
May they rest in peace.
And for my dear friend Alyson, if for some crazy reason this gets to you today, just know that you and your family are always in my thoughts and prayers but especially today.