Wednesday, August 6, 2008


DId I mention that I was having a great week with all of the babies that have been coming to see me. I have been in heaven. This has got to be the best job in the world. I have gotten so many slobbery kisses this week.
Well, this is Isabella. She is my step neice. The first time I did her pictures I think she was 5 days old. Now she is 7 months. Where does the time go? We had so much fun and she is so sweet! All of her pictures turned out great and I wanted to let everyone see a few until I get the actual proofs done.

This was the first shot of the day and remains to be my favorite.

Isabella loves her Mommy!

How funny is this! She was giggling so hard!

Look how excited she is! She wanted to play with my girls and they wanted to play with her.

I'm not sure what I am going to do when my girls are back in school. They have been the best little helpers this summer and the kiddoes just love them. As for you Miss Isabella, you are coming to see us as soon as we get back from vacation!
Take care!
Lisa :)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Abby Grace

I know that I am sounding like a broken record lately but I really am getting my baby fix. This is Miss Abby Grace and she rules the universe in case you didn't know. The universe, that is, for her mom and dad and everyone she comes into contact with. Again, I am in love. I guess I fall very easily. She really is the sweetest thing and Alli Grace was a big hit with this little one too.

I always wonder how little ones will do when they have to travel a long way to come see me. Well, she did great as you can see from the pictures. Also, as you can see from these pictures, Abby Grace has been a long time coming for these two wonderful parents and she is the apple of their eye. They waited three years for her arrival and she came such a long way to be a part of their family. It was very much worth the wait! I had to share some pictures as soon as I could as this is her very first photo session.
I hope you guys enjoyed the peek and thanks for spending your morning with me!
Have a great vacation!
Lisa :)

Funny little frogs!

The "H" Family. These guys really are sort of family now as their "uncle" married in to our family in May. I was honored to get to do their pics during their recent trip to Arkansas. Anyway, we found a ton of baby frogs during this shoot which was a great distraction for everyone...and I think all of the frogs survived???

I loved this picture as you can tell how much fun these guys have together.

I had a hard time getting Zaine to look at the camera but I loved how this shot turned out.

However, he was definitely up for looking at me when he was getting ready to splash water on me! Boys will be boys!

How sweet is this of Blythe and her teddy bear playing dress up. Look at the bling on her hand!


Her personality really started to come out when she put on her dancing shoes!
Watch out Tiger, here I come!
Thanks guys for making the drive and for spending the morning with me. Most of all thanks for braving the heat and the mosquitos! Yuck. I am so ready for fall!!
I hope you guys had a safe trip back and thanks for your patience in seeing these. Have a good rest of the summer. I know that Blythe is excited to start kindergarten!!
Take Care.
Lisa :)

The "S" family

I know this mom has been anxiously waiting for a sneak peek so I thought I would share a few. These were also shot in the new studio so I was excited to get to play there again. Maybe I will start learning when my favorite time is to shoot there. So far my only complaint is the same as everyone else's at this time of year...the heat!

Anyway, here are a few from the day. You know I can never resist a baby pout!

These girls were so good withthis baby brother. Even though he was a little fussy. They hung in there the whole time and even got some time of their own.

Trying to decide if there really are goldfish in that pond...


This little diva always turned it on for the camera. She was not shy about getting her picture made!

And, I loved this one except she looks so much older than she really is.

Anyway, thanks so much for sharing the morning with me and braving the heat. You guys did a great job and I hope you like your pictures.
Lisa :)

Monday, August 4, 2008


This little man is Mason. I was so excited to get to do his session in the new studio and play around with some lighting. For those of you wanting to know, we are officially moved in but still have a lot of things we want to do. However, I have had several non-photography related projects going so I have been putting off starting any new projects at the studio..and I am using the heat as an excuse. Geez...will it ever rain?
Anyway, Mason and his mom and dad came to visit me for a late afternoon session so we did some in all areas of the studio so I will try to share a few.
This first shot is one of Mason peeking through the iron railing out in the courtyard. He was a little serious when we first started out. I love those long eyelashes!!


This is Mason with his daddy. If anyone could get a smile out of this little boy it was definitely his daddy!


I loved the lighting in this shot. This is Mason as he climbs the steps out of the studio and into the courtyard.


Now for a break from the heat. We come inside and eat a bite of cake!

Another break from the heat, Mason gets to play in the water as we try to get the cake off of him. There is not really anything good to take cake icing off...however, we tried! I loved him in his daddy's cowboy hat!

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the peek at the studio and I'll try to get some actual studio pics up as soon as I can. For those of you who know me, you know not to hold your breath. It will get done but I think I am on Mexico time...

Until next time...

Lisa :)

Happy Birthday Riley

This little sweetheart is Riley. I got to meet her when she was a wee little newborn and now we are doing her one year pictures. She has grown up so fast and is the sweetest baby in the world. We had so much fun together. I say "we" because my girls accompanied me on this shoot and Riley LOVED them as they loved her. She just kept wanting to go to them and give them hugs and kisses.

I love this first shot as she is saying come see me!
She had so much fun with the water bottle. She knew she was too cute for me to try to take it away from her. I think she knows she could get away with anything around me.


Loved how she had all of those different expressions. Mom said that she does this all the time with her tongue. Too cute!


One of my favorite standing shots. Of course, you can't see all of her face but I love how sweet this is.

This monkey belongs to me. I had to put this one in as this is what I got when I asked Morgan to jump in and let me check the light when switching backgrounds. She is so at that age.

And this last one too. This is Riley giving luvs to my Alli Grace. I'm telling you, we would have taken this baby home with us. My girls are still talking about her.

I wanted to show one of her newborn pictures to show you how much she has grown. Time sure flies!

Thanks sweet baby girl for coming to see me again. We had such a great time and I hope you like your pictures.
See you soon.
Lisa and the girls!
I also want to give a big THANK YOU to Christy for teaching me how to make my pictures larger.