Just wanted to get a picture up of Tiffany and Brian before the new little one arrives. I don't think there is anything sweeter than a couple about to open their hearts to a tiny little person that will change their lives forever....

Babies are truly one of God's greatest miracles. It's amazing how one little bundle can produce so much joy, gratitude, overwhelming love, humility, hopes, dreams and, yes, worries in abundance. The miracle of life...remind me how sweet this is when my first one turns 16!!
Good luck guys. I know the due date is April 15th so maybe she won't be late...like my taxes! :(
Thanks Tiffany for letting me post these. You are a georgous Mommy to be!
Okay. I'm really behind as usual. I will try to get a lot more posted soon. Christy and I are off to LR for a wedding tomorrow so hopefully we will have some sneak peeks up soon.
Night all and have a Blessed Easter!