I don't know about the rest of you guys this morning but as I have gone through my daily routine of getting ready, getting my girls ready and out the door etc, my heart has been heavy as I think about the thousands of families and friends who will wake up and relive every moment of their lives seven years ago today.
I don't know anyone, who was old enough to know what was going on, who doesn't remember exactly what they were doing on September 11th, 2001 when the lives of so many and the life of our nation changed forever. Although we couldn't imagine on that day or the days and weeks after the attack that we would eventually slip back into a normal life, most of us have. It is so easy for us to take for granted all of the freedoms and luxuries that we are so use to. Maybe that is a good thing to show that we will always have the America that so many died for.
So for today, lets turn our ears away from the election, not honk at the crazy driver in front of us and maybe just go out of our way a little bit to do a good deed for a stranger. Even if just for today, let us remember that we are one people, we are strong. Let us remember our troops all over the world who risk their lives and those who have given their lives so that we can live as we do.
And, most of all, let us remember all of those heroes who lost their lives on September 11th, 2001 because they lived in a land of freedom.
May they rest in peace.
And for my dear friend Alyson, if for some crazy reason this gets to you today, just know that you and your family are always in my thoughts and prayers but especially today.
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