Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Abby Grace

I know that I am sounding like a broken record lately but I really am getting my baby fix. This is Miss Abby Grace and she rules the universe in case you didn't know. The universe, that is, for her mom and dad and everyone she comes into contact with. Again, I am in love. I guess I fall very easily. She really is the sweetest thing and Alli Grace was a big hit with this little one too.

I always wonder how little ones will do when they have to travel a long way to come see me. Well, she did great as you can see from the pictures. Also, as you can see from these pictures, Abby Grace has been a long time coming for these two wonderful parents and she is the apple of their eye. They waited three years for her arrival and she came such a long way to be a part of their family. It was very much worth the wait! I had to share some pictures as soon as I could as this is her very first photo session.
I hope you guys enjoyed the peek and thanks for spending your morning with me!
Have a great vacation!
Lisa :)


AG'smoma said...

Lisa! These pictures are absolutely wonderful!!! Definitely worth the wait and the drive. I can't wait to see the rest of them!

Thank you SO much!

Valerie said...

These pics are precious, Lisa! It was great meeting this beautiful girl as we wrapped up our "trying" session that morning... Looks like she made up for our rough beginning to your day! Kyle will get better, we promise! :)