Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Mike and Jessica

I had the great opportunity to shoot this session with a friend and mentor of mine, Mike Kemp. And let me just say, we had the perfect couple to try out some things on. These guys were up for anything and had some ideas of their own. It was alot of fun and I love shooting with someone else and gettng their perspective on things.

Anyway, Miss Jess has been so patient in waiting to get a sneak peek so I hope these are worth the wait!

Having some fun downtown as Mike is teaching me some new lighting techniques. New to me that is!
Loved this location and we certainly didn't have to tell them what to do. This one was with my favorite lighting source...natural!
It really was one of those days where we caught the light just perfect and look at Jessica's eyes...beautiful!
Okay, it was Jessica's idea to go to a cemetary and I was so up for it. I don't know why, but I love cemetaries!! There is such a mixture of peace and tranquility and mystery and apprehension at the same time! Who would have thought there was another cemetary lover in the bunch! So cool!!

Mike and Jessica are big into the Greek life at UCA so we finished up at the Pike house on campus. It really was a great afternoon and you guys were so much fun to spend it with!

Thanks Guys for braving the can't even tell from the pictures that it was freezing outside!! And thanks Mike K for showing me a thing or to with the remotes. I used this information the very next shoot and now I might become a junkie!
Night all!
Lisa :)


Anonymous said...

Those are great!!

Anonymous said...

Lisa you did a wonderful job. I love the second and third ones on this page. I could not ask for better.


Anonymous said...

I love the closeup shot.

Anonymous said...

Those are some of the best pictures i've ever seen.