Sunday, November 25, 2007

Baby Dylan

This little man is Dylan. I know several people who had been waiting to meet this little guy including me. And he surprised us all by coming 4 weeks earlier than planned. As you can see he is soo tiny and soo sweet! But he is doing great and keeping us on our toes. This session was so funny. I think we all got the full bonus of everything Dylan had to give and there was not a dry towel in the place. As I am trying to get some blogging caught up, I thought I would share his newborn collage.
Hope you enjoy!
Lisa :)


Kelly said...

We are biased, but we think he may be the cutest little boy out there! Thanks Lisa, the pics are amazing!

Trustin said...

You have certainly captured how magnificent my grandson is!!! And look at the love shining through when Greg and Kelly look at him!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures of a beautiful family!!

Historian said...

Wow, those are amazing photographs!

She'll probably kill me for mentioning this again, but she looks so much like her mother in these pictures... Those really are gorgeous photographs of the family. It's nice to see all three of them together finally!

Joy said...

I LOVE the pic of his feet!! I don't know what it is about baby feet, but I just think they are the cutest! I'm so glad he was awake for picture day! He's adorable!

Lisa said...

Thanks guys! It really does mean the world to me to get such kind comments!

Anonymous said...

Great pics! Dylan is so adorable!

The Katchur's said...

Amazing pictures!!! I have to agree with Joy! There is something so sweet about baby feet. So, needless to say, I love the feet pictures. Too sweet.

Anonymous said...

How sweet! I love the pictures! He's a handsome little one!

Unknown said...

Each time I look at these wonderful photos of our precious grandson I think my heart is going to burst with happiness.

lauren lea photography said...

What beautiful pics of a precious baby!

lauren lea photography said...

What beautiful pictures of a precious little baby!