Tuesday, September 4, 2007


For some crazy reason I have been tagged. There is currently a game going around the photography community and Steven Bridges @ sbphotos out of Tenn tagged me. Hopefully this is not a timed game or I'm out! Anyway, Steven and I have never met personally but he is married to my cousin and I have talked with him and e-mailed and he has been a ton of help to me and is an awesome photographer!!

Anyhoo, I am suppose to blog 8 things about myself and tag 8 more photographers..so here goes!

1) My favorite thing to do in the whole wide world is laugh! I especially love to laugh with my husband and children and I spend a lot of time laughing at myself. I still have a lot of stuff I need to learn to laugh at but at least I'm off to a good start.

2) I am the worst procrastinator in the whole wide world. or maybe I should say best! I would like to say I will get better at this but I think it is programmed inside of me!

3) I think this goes hand in hand with #2. I function in disorganization. My husband, who is a CPA, shuts the door on my organizational skills. I will say I did spend a better part of my weekend going through the chaos of my office. Now I am semi-clutter free...I probably won't be able to find anything tomorrow. :)

4) Sweets are my downfall! I think I could really survive on sugar. I would say Chocolate is my ultimate downfall...but when tring to give up chocolate...I learned i liked other sweets as well.

5) I love to read a good book. However, I won't let myself very often as I can't put them down. I read them straight through. Therefore, my life gets put on hold while i read a book. Like I really have time for that. I try to save most of my reading for vacation... Which leaves me to #6.

6) I love to be on vacation. We love going to Mexico...nothing commercialized...hanging with the locals...doing absolutely nothing..except reading a book and laying in the hammock.

7) As part of my not-so-mid-life crisis..not yet anyway. I have gotten a series of tattoos on my back this summer. All of them are written in japanese and are special to me. Maybe when I get brave I'll post pictures. You never know...

8) I did not let myself look at anyone else's blog so that I would not be influenced by their eight things...gee...hope mine aren't stupid!!

Oh..and I have to tell who I am going to tag...and a few of mine have already been tagged...so here goes:

Christy Hollingshead
Amber McAdoo
Mike Kemp
Lisa Hannan
Megan Leedey
Autumn Hull
Lisa Mac
Kelly Shipp

And hopefully I will get them tagged tomorrow before someone else does it for me!!
Night all!

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