Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Tripp and Griff!

These guys are so sweet. It is such a compliment when clients come back to see me to photograph their second...sometimes third and fourth...child. Thank you ! thank you! thank you! I was so happy to get to do Griffs one year pics as I had gotten to do his big brothers one year milestone also. I'm always amazed at how fast time flys and how much babies grow up to be big people.

I wanted to share just a few. Griff was so serious and would not smile for anyone except his Mama. As you can see, I got this serious look! And I love it!!
Here is Griff playing "Peek-A-Boo"! How precious!!

And here is big brother Tripp getting in on the action. I think he had a lot more fun chasing frogs! There were baby frogs everywhere!!

Hope everyone enjoys the pictures!


1 comment:

Valerie said...

These pictures look great, Lisa! Kyle and I will see you soon.