I hope everyone enjoys the pictures and I want to thank these guys for letting me share a part of their day! And thanks to Grandad for letting us use his garden! What a perfect spot!!
Take care!
I hope everyone enjoys the pictures and I want to thank these guys for letting me share a part of their day! And thanks to Grandad for letting us use his garden! What a perfect spot!!
Take care!
Thanks guys for being so willing to try whatever we asked you to do and for trusting us to find the perfect spot...okay at the last minute... but it worked!! Hope you enjoy the pics!
About the flower girl....in every wedding, there is something that happens that makes the day a little more special...usually gets a few laughs and adds to the memories of the day. Well, for this wedding, I vote for this memory. Stacy, Jin's niece and Jason's daughter, could not be coaxed to walk down the isle even after much prodding and bribing I am sure. So Jason, being the big brother that he is, filled in nicely for the job. Dropped rose petals and all! Atta Boy Jason!!
Again, I hope you guys had a great father's day. I know that my husband will enjoy his gift in a few weeks...it has something to do with getting his garage back....More to come on that at a later date!
Night all! Hope this day let you rev up for a great week!
Thanks for letting me share in your big day! Best Wishes!!
I hope you guys enjoy the pictures and I have to say that I am so excited to get to meet the newest member of the family, Eli, this coming week! Hopefully I will have pics up from that session soon as well!
Have a great day!
Hopefully I will have more pics up from other sessions as well...where does the time go?? Hope you guys have a great weekend!
Christy talked me into looking at a few more! I loved this one. You can tell how much that baby loves his mommy!!!He is beautiful!!
Look at the mess we made!!!
Well, I hope Everett had a wonderful Birthday as we had a wonderful time visiting with them today! My girls seem to think we need one of those little guys at our house now...may be time for another pet!! Thanks for coming guys! We will have to do it again soon....we need to put it on our schedules!!!
night all!